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Notice on the Application for the "Autonomous Innovation Project" of the Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Industrial Safety and Emergency Technology for the Year 2023

Release time:2023-05-31 clicks:

The Industrial Safety and Emergency Technology Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory is a key laboratory in Anhui Province that relies on the construction of relevant advantageous disciplines at Hefei University of Technology. The laboratory focuses on the major common problems in industrial safety and emergency support, and conducts research on basic theoretical methods, key technologies, engineering applications, and industrial development in industrial safety, with information science and technology as the core means. In order to fully exert the role of the provincial key laboratory and make use of the conditions of the key laboratory to carry out high-level and high-quality research, support the development of new ideas, new methods, new technologies, and interdisciplinary research, and promote the formation of an academic atmosphere of innovation, pragmatism, openness, and communication, the laboratory plans to establish an "Autonomous Innovation Project" for external establishment. The relevant matters for the application of this year's "Autonomous Innovation Project" are notified as follows:


1. Scope and Conditions of Project Funding

1.1 The research project should be in line with the research direction of the key laboratory and meet the needs of laboratory construction and development.

1.2 Priority will be given to research projects in the field of industrial safety and emergency technology that have significant academic significance and major application value, as well as external researchers with significant research achievements. In addition, researchers from key industries in Anhui Province are encouraged to apply.

The following individuals are not eligible to apply as project leaders: full-time graduate students (including those currently enrolled), retired researchers, researchers currently undertaking open fund projects of this laboratory, and internal personnel currently undertaking or applying for other central scientific research basic business fee support projects in the same year.

For applicants from internal units (born after January 1, 1983), there must be joint research participants from external units in the project team; for applicants from external units (born after January 1, 1983), there must be fixed personnel from this laboratory as the second applicant (born after January 1, 1983), who will be responsible for the internal project approval and financial approval. External personnel should generally be mid-level and above researchers from leading enterprises in the industry.

1.3 Non-key laboratory researchers who are currently employed and applying for projects must have a mid-level (including mid-level) professional title or have obtained a doctoral degree. Applicants should have a good research foundation and work experience, and must obtain the consent of their respective units or departments. The application procedures should be complete and the documents should be complete.

2. Key Research Directions for Funding

2.1 The key funded research topics for 2023 are as follows:

(1) Safety risk identification and control;

(2) Accident analysis and monitoring warning;

(3) Emergency rescue simulation and decision-making;

(4) Emergency command dispatch and support.

2.2 For detailed information on the main content of each key topic, please refer to the "Application Guide for the Autonomous Innovation Project of the Industrial Safety and Emergency Technology Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory" (see Annex 1).

3. Application and Approva

3.1 Applicants should carefully fill out the "Application Form for the Autonomous Innovation Project" (hereinafter referred to as the "Application Form") in the format specified in the "Application Guide for the Autonomous Innovation Project" released by the key laboratory (see Annex 2).

3.2 The applicant's unit should provide their opinion and the unit leader should sign and stamp the application form. Three copies of the application form should be sent to the laboratory by mail before the deadline (based on the postmark). Please refer to the application guide for the application deadline.

3.3 The key laboratory will conduct a qualification review of the project application forms and submit qualified application materials to experts in the relevant field for preliminary review.

3.4 The key laboratory will submit the projects that pass the preliminary review to the Academic Committee for evaluation, determine the funded projects, and notify the applicants of the evaluation results.

3.5 After the project application is approved, the project leader, together with the project collaborators designated by the key laboratory, will revise the project design and fill out the project task book for formal project approval by the key laboratory.

4. Project Management

4.1 The project acceptance period is two years, and the funding amount is not less than 50,000 yuan per project.

4.2 All project funds will not be disbursed externally. For projects with external applicants, there must be a fixed member of the laboratory as the second applicant, who will serve as the internal project leader and financial approver, assisting the project applicant in handling financial transfer procedures.

4.3 The key laboratory is responsible for the implementation and management of the "Autonomous Innovation Project." The management includes:

(1) Determining and implementing project funding;

(2) Checking the progress and quality of the project;

(3) Project acceptance;

(4) Reporting research results to the competent management department.

4.4 During the project implementation process, the project leader should submit an annual project progress report to the key laboratory. After reviewing the report, the key laboratory will provide feedback and determine whether to continue funding.

4.5 Within 2 months after the project completion period, the project leader should carefully complete the "Final Report of the 'Autonomous Innovation Project' of the Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Industrial Safety and Emergency Technology." The report should include a summary of work, project completion status, list of achievements, software source code, and list of papers, etc. After the report is reviewed and signed by the project collaborators, the key laboratory will organize acceptance and notify the research personnel's affiliated units of the project completion status. Failure to submit the final report as required will result in the cancellation of the project leader's eligibility to apply for external projects from the key laboratory in the future, and their work unit will be notified. For projects with outstanding achievements, priority funding will be given in the next year's application for external projects from the key laboratory.

4.6 The achievements of the project (papers, awards, patent applications, or technology transfers, etc.) will be shared between the project leader's affiliated unit and the key laboratory. When publishing papers or applying for awards, it should be noted that it is "supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (Grant No. XXXXXXXXX)" and the project number. In addition, the author's affiliation should be marked as "Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Industry Safety and Emergency Technology (Hefei University of Technology), Hefei 230601, Anhui, P.R. China" in Chinese, and "Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Industry Safety and Emergency Technology (Hefei University of Technology), Hefei 230601, Anhui, P.R. China" in English, and the achievements should be submitted to the key laboratory for archiving.

4.7 If there are significant changes to the research plan during the project research process, approval from the key laboratory must be obtained before implementation.

4.8 If academic misconduct such as fraud or plagiarism is discovered, the key laboratory has the right to recover the funded funds. If it causes damage to the reputation of the key laboratory, the key laboratory has the right to pursue legal responsibilities.

5. Financial Management

5.1 The project funds are special funds invested in the Autonomous Innovation Project of the Industrial Safety and Emergency Technology Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory. In the specific use process, they must be executed according to the project budget and approved according to the prescribed procedures.

5.2 The use of project funds must comply with national financial policies and relevant regulations of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

5.3 Project funds are allocated annually based on project execution and progress. 60% of the project funds are allocated in the first year, and the remaining 40% are allocated after the project passes the mid-term inspection in the next year. The funds must be executed by September 30th of the year of allocation.

5.4 After the project is completed, the remaining funds and all archives and materials related to the project, including instruments, equipment, software, and original experimental records purchased with the Autonomous Innovation Project funds, belong to the key laboratory.

6. Application Deadline

Please submit the paper and electronic versions of the application form before 17:00 on June 6, 2023. Late submissions will not be accepted! Please refer to the application guide for submission methods.

The Industrial Safety and Emergency Technology Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory
